Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Time to Focus

It's time for me to focus. I realized a few months back that I had not done a blog post in quite some time. I realized today that I realized a few months back that I had not done a blog post in quite some time. Now it's time to focus and try to be a bit more consistent with my posts.

It's wild that it has been nearly a year since I last posted. It doesn't seem like it was that long ago. So much has changed on the technology front since then. It seems as though technology changes faster with each passing year. Hek, I work in this field and it's hard to keep up! I was thinking about what this post should cover but so many things have changed it's hard to narrow it down. I'll do things headline style this go around and then cover something more specific in my next post.

So, in complete randomness, here are your headlines!

1) Apple hosted its annual WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference) yesterday. This event draws lots of attention as Apple usually uses this time to make big announcements. This year was all about software. Apple has new operating systems (OS) coming out across all of its platforms. These new OSs are all about multi-touch and iCloud. Apples new iCloud service will sync all of your Apple gadgets. Saved a pic on your iPhone? It will automatically appear on any other Apple device you own (Macbook, iMac, iPod Touch, etc.). Windows based PCs will also work with iCloud but I would imagine there would need to be some software installed. All of this should launch late summer / early fall.

2) USB 3.0 is here! The USB 3.0 spec is a whole lot faster than USB 2.0. What does that mean? It means that with USB 3.0 you can achieve a theoretical transfer speed of 400MB/s. USB 2.0 is a measly 60MB/s. To put it another way, you could theoretically transfer your 10,000 music files in 1 min 40 seconds. If you were to use USB 2.0 to do that same transfer, you would need to wait over 11 minutes! The new USB 3.0 ports are a blue color.

3) Tablets galore! This year, especially the Fall months, will see about 23,042 tablet computers hitting the market. Okay, that's a bit over the top but if you're looking at getting a tablet, do your research first. Currently the iPad2 and Motorola Xoom are top choices. If you see a tablet this year for under $200 $300, there is a reason it's under $200 $300. Shop smart people!

4) Storage is getting cheap! It's amazing how much storage you can get for so little money these days. 1 terabyte external hard drives are regularly going for under $100. There are even a few 2 terabyte external hard drives going for under $100! What a great time to buy external storage and make that backup you've never done!!!  :)

5) Prediction! Well, it's not too much of a prediction because it's already happening. Desktop computers are a dying breed. While I do not have any hard numbers, I think the percentage of desktops being sold are going to feature a dramatic drop in the next 2 or 3 years (even more than what experts are saying). Everything is going mobile and that trend will only pick up speed as more companies offer Cloud services.

Speaking of Cloud services, that might be a good topic for the next post. Any thoughts?

Anyway, sorry it has been so long. I will put forth a better effort in posting more frequently. I will promise that I will post before this time next year! Have a great week and try to stay cool in this heat wave.